Mobile mechanic
Auto Services — 08-08-2018
I'm a mobile mechanic that will come to your location for a fee to work on your vehicle. This includes but is not limited to oil changes, tire rotation, change flat tire, plugs, sensors, battery repla...
Auto Services — 08-08-2018
I'm a mobile mechanic that will come to your location for a fee to work on your vehicle. This includes but is not limited to oil changes, tire rotation, change flat tire, plugs, sensors, battery repla...
Home and Furnitures — 08-07-2018
67" x 39.5"x 29" h. Glass top dining table w/ (2) 14" built in end leaves95" length fully opened. This table is in perfect shape. $250.- ...
Tools — 08-05-2018
Precision Lincoln tig 225 Lincoln cart Tig torch Pedal Regulator Welder is in excellent condition ...
Items For Sale — 07-31-2018
SPECIALIZED EXPEDITION bikeBlue, schimano thumb shifters$100.00 & $500 new...
Car — 07-31-2018
Professionally Appraised at just over $20,000. Needing to sell to close Estate asking $12,000 firm. Following is the Description of my father's car. He had owned it for 44 yrs. It quit running pr...
$300 — Home and Furnitures — 07-31-2018
Moving and must sell today or tomorrow (7/31, 8/1)...
$240 — Games — 07-26-2018
Xbox One SNever been used /Brand new in the box.Playerunknown's BattleGrounds included....
Cleaning Services — 07-26-2018
Hello. If you are looking for someone to clean with care.. you need me. New to this area and just want to pick up a few new clients. I grew up in the military so I know the meaning of clean. I will wo...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-25-2018
Used Very good condition AT&T EL52345/EL523153 Handset Cordless PhoneCaller ID / Call WaitingExpandable Up To 5 HandsetsFull Duplex Handset SpeakerPhoneLCD DisplayBacklit Keypad50 Station Name / Numbe...
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