Need car driven to Buffal area from Jacksonville
Auto Services — 05-13-2018
Will pay and supply gas. Call Ken 905 467 9077....
Auto Services — 05-13-2018
Will pay and supply gas. Call Ken 905 467 9077....
Musical Instrument — 05-13-2018
1919 sax with case and all attachments 550.00 1920 cornet benson with case750.00 will sell both for 1200.00...
Service — 05-13-2018
St. Lawrence Academy in Prescott is offering Summer Adventure Camp for students ages 4-15 years of age. Daily themes that are designed for ultimate fun, learning and adventure. Games, field-trips, spo...
Items For Sale — 05-12-2018
I have a 1986 1000cc Yamaha Virago, this bike still looks new for its age,comes with a full fairing kit if wanted,this bike still real sweet and has been collecter plate available and has had such gre...
$3000 — Car — 05-12-2018
2nd owner. 155000 klms. sunroof. all options. extra tires and rims....
Lawn and Garden — 05-12-2018
A deck is being dismantled ,to build a new one. All the wood marials, posts railings etc. are yours for the takingl...
$500 — Lawn and Garden — 05-12-2018
Beautiful black metal fire table with glass beads and full propane tank. 42” x 42” x 26” high. Used once....
Home and Furnitures — 05-12-2018
Large metal bird cage for sale 57x 27.5x 19.5 great for parrots cockatiels ...
Home and Furnitures — 05-12-2018
Vertical drapes in very condition ,, Would fit a window that is up to 102" X 74". $25 ...
Clothes — 05-12-2018
Womans jacket size large for $200. Worth $500. Mens chaps size medium for $100. Great leather, awesome price, just in time for the season....
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