Classifieds - Canada

Need car driven to Buffal area from Jacksonville offer Auto Services

Need car driven to Buffal area from Jacksonville

Auto Services

Will pay and supply gas. Call Ken 905 467 9077....

1919 saxaphone   1920 cornet offer Musical Instrument

1919 saxaphone 1920 cornet

Musical Instrument

1919 sax with case and all attachments 550.00 1920 cornet benson with case750.00 will sell both for 1200.00...

Summer Adventure Camp July 9-13th offer Service

Summer Adventure Camp July 9-13th


St. Lawrence Academy in Prescott is offering Summer Adventure Camp for students ages 4-15 years of age. Daily themes that are designed for ultimate fun, learning and adventure. Games, field-trips, spo...

Vintage  almost Motorcycle offer Items For Sale

Vintage almost Motorcycle

Items For Sale

I have a 1986 1000cc Yamaha Virago, this bike still looks new for its age,comes with a full fairing kit if wanted,this bike still real sweet and has been collecter plate available and has had such gre...

06 saturn ion offer Car

06 saturn ion


2nd owner. 155000 klms. sunroof. all options. extra tires and rims....

Free used deck material offer Lawn and Garden

Free used deck material

Lawn and Garden

A deck is being dismantled ,to build a new one. All the wood marials, posts railings etc. are yours for the takingl...

Fire table offer Lawn and Garden

Fire table

$500Lawn and Garden

Beautiful black metal fire table with glass beads and full propane tank. 42” x 42” x 26” high. Used once....

Large bird cage  offer Home and Furnitures

Large bird cage

Home and Furnitures

Large metal bird cage for sale 57x 27.5x 19.5 great for parrots cockatiels ...

Curtains offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

Vertical drapes in very condition ,, Would fit a window that is up to 102" X 74". $25 ...

Heavyweight woman's biker jacket and mens chaps for sale offer Clothes

Heavyweight woman's biker jacket and mens chaps for sale


Womans jacket size large for $200. Worth $500. Mens chaps size medium for $100. Great leather, awesome price, just in time for the season....

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