Hello, I am relocating to the beautiful Sunshine Coast on September 1st. If you are seeking a reliable, loving, amazing person to walk your dog or feed your cat, I am there for you 😀.Please message me...
Everything in a 1 bedroom apt. is for sale....
50 cds50 lps$ 3.00 to $ 5.00 each...
One owner....above average condition and well maintained.Not on winter roads for the last 30 yrs.Inspected until June 2019...
$40.03 — Construction Jobs —
ATLANTIC CONTRACTING GROUP INC. - Union company requires full time bricklayers to work in the GTA. 35 to 44 h per week. No education necessary. Union wages and benefices. $40.03 h. - Apply to: catarin...
Slight cosmetic damage. but works fine left side tow mirrior for 1998 and up dodge 2500 and 3500 electric adjust and heated asking $50 OBO....
Something for everyone, items are in very good condition. Home decor, household items, antiques, clothes, books, small appliances, etc. Located Downtown in Queen Mary Park, north of Oliver Square....
Epiphone Les Paul Standard. Red finish. Hard Shell case incl. Beautiful cond. $375. Line-6 amp, Spyder v-60 model. Tons of effects. As new. $325. Both used strictly in studio. No gigging. Sell both to...
$12345 — Home Services —
I am looking for a stylist who can sew my weave on my head, colour and highlight and cut and style my hair. Id prefer to have this done in my home, but i can travel to lindsay, or peterborough area. P...
single female roomate to live in a fifth wheel, the country life.$300 a month, call Bernie at 506-389-8535 must have drivers license....