Cleaning Services — 01-17-2019
ISO sweeper suitable for underground parking lot...
Clothes — 01-17-2019
Come and see the latest new arrivals at the European clothing store , 2330 Highway 97 west kelowna...
$21000 — Truck — 01-17-2019
M2 Cummings diesel 5 ton with A/C reefer 16 ft with tailgate power lift/ 380000km 2004...
$10000 — Sporting Goods — 01-16-2019
This portable canvas yome - like a yurt.. is 19 ft X 19 ft, has 4 windows with screens, a rubber synthetic waterproof roof, comes complete with bunk beds, propane stove/oven, propane Bar B Q, and plat...
$150 — Home and Furnitures — 01-16-2019
Oak table 54” long by 38” wide with 2 arm chairs along with serving table...
Car — 01-16-2019
run great ,engine sounds great , newer tires ; muffler, brakes,battery,very clean, emission tested in sept 2018 $999.00 as is ...
Roomate Wanted — 01-16-2019
These accommodations are located in the Lake Country area. Utilities and Wifi with shared kitchen, laundry, own bathroom with Central AC and fenced back yard The dimensions of the room are 12 X 24 -...
Auto Services — 01-15-2019
FOR GETTING CLASS 5 & 7 DRIVING LICENSE TRAINING / CAR RENTAL FOR I.C.B.C ROAD TEST- Do you want quality training with an experienced instructor saving your time & money? LICENSED EXPERIENCED...
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