Classifieds - Canada

Men’s Tuxedo offer Clothes

Men’s Tuxedo


In excellent condition suitable for Graduations and Formal events Label inside Pierre Cardin $40 ...

fall/ winter jacket offer Clothes and Shoes

fall/ winter jacket

Clothes and Shoes

Beautiful red jacket with hood - never worn SIZE Large STeve Madden make...

Free/nneds a part offer Free Stuff

Free/nneds a part

Free Stuff

Auriga 4 wheel scooter originally used for the handicapped. Now a lot of people have them. I don't need it anymore (I was handicapped). It has 2 new 9 volt gel batteries. The body and seat are in ...

antique metal travelling trunk offer Home and Furnitures

antique metal travelling trunk

$25Home and Furnitures


dinner plates /side plates Royal Albert  offer Home and Furnitures

dinner plates /side plates Royal Albert

$5Home and Furnitures

12 side -6 dinner...

mid winter porcelain plate offer Home and Furnitures

mid winter porcelain plate

$25Home and Furnitures


royal water Plate offer Home and Furnitures

royal water Plate

$10Home and Furnitures


antique cups/saucers  $10 each and up offer Home and Furnitures

antique cups/saucers $10 each and up

$10Home and Furnitures

Ihave a large amount of cups and saucers -Royal Albert-Roslyn moss bone china...

Paint detailing offer Auto Services

Paint detailing

Auto Services

Clean up your paint job . Looks great and ups resale Minor scratches and blemishes go away. Rail dust , disappears. Wet sand , compound , polish, wax. I do the same work for car dealerships ...

morecraft 1953 -$20/ $40 offer Home and Furnitures

morecraft 1953 -$20/ $40

$20Home and Furnitures


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