Junk Car Removal Sevices
Auto Services — 09-18-2022
Cash for automobiles running or not title or no title no problem.Call Chris 205-354-6099...
Auto Services — 09-18-2022
Cash for automobiles running or not title or no title no problem.Call Chris 205-354-6099...
Vehicle Wanted — 09-18-2022
I buy junk cars trucks and vans running or not title or no title.I pay cash and pick them up.I also do large scrap metal clean ups.Call Chris 205-354-6099...
Cleaning Services — 09-09-2022
We offer: Dusting, sweeping, mopping, and washing floors, toilets, showers, tubs, driveways, windows, and counters. Vacuuming carpets, upholstery, and any other dusty surface. Cleaning all surfaces in...
Musical Instrument — 07-14-2022
Fender Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar with accessories. Guitar comes with strap, gig bag, tools, bag of picks, new strings, two capos and string winder. Guitar has good action and a truss rod Also comes ...
Home Services — 05-19-2022
Assisted living can be scary and expensive. Keep your loved ones in the comfort of their home and let me and my partners take care of them for half the price you would pay in an assisted living facili...
House For Sale — 05-07-2022
Nice 3 bedroom home for sale the house has new sheetrock fresh paint new toilets installed new kitchen sink just a little more work left to do for the right handyman looking to purchase a home best ha...
General Labor — 04-29-2022
-Able to troubleshoot and diagnose -Monday-Friday -5 years of experience -Need Tools -Pay Day Every Friday ...
General Labor — 04-16-2022
8am-5pm -Monday-Friday -Able to lift 15 pounds -Good Work Ethic -Career Minded -Reliable transportation -Eager -Paid every Friday -Benefits & Bonuses -$32.00 per hour (205) 218-9579...
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