$1500 — Home and Furnitures —
Classic seating with simple elegance. This set is in impeccable condition...smoke free, pet free home. The sofa and matching loveseat boast curved padded leather armrest and leather side and eye...
Items Wanted —
Wanted Playstation 3...I miss mine.... anyone have one and just tired of it or want to sell it for no less than $50 or no more than $75...I'm bored and just wanna play it... email me at poomanblueprin...
Rental Wanted —
I'm looking for an apartment or house that fits my budget...I need something in a quiet neighborhood not too far out...a place to lay my head....with rent being at least $300 no more than $350 monthly...
Looking for a work car willing to pay $200 or $250 down and $250 biweekly until paid off..no big cars small to mid size...
Wanted 1998 Toyota Avalon to have a way to work....if not 1998 it could be between the yrs 99-01...im looking for someone who has a good heart and clear understanding....I'm tired of walking and or ha...
Duel fire rotisserie and a hot eye...
15ftx26ftx52in oval pool liner new in box. Mistakenly ordered the wrong liner and need to get this out of the way....
Hawkins bait licensed commercial worm farmer.. 256 641 0054 or 256 636 1745. Ask for Spencer Hawkins.. crickets, mealworms, big Belgium red worms, small red worms, worm castings, and worm tea. For mor...
Hawkins bait licensed commercial worm farmer.. has for sale fresh worm castings, $3 a gallon if you buy in bulk, 20 plus gallons, $2 a gallon.. all organic freatlizer.....
Hawkins bait licensed commercial worm farmer . Has for sale fresh water ghost shrimp.. $4 a dozen.. great for fishing, or aquarium alge eaters.. ...