Vehicle > Motorcycle

Italian - $3300

  • Publish Date: 05-26-2020 19:02:25 |
  • Contact: Cendi Prewett |
  • Location: Los Angeles 91325 |
  • Place: Northridge |
  • 1678 times displayed |
This is a brand NEW 2020 it has AM FM Stero U.S.B. Chargers M .P.3 player Street legal. Goes up to 90mph freeway 2 passenger seat Leather Automatic Transmission Gas Fueled Air coolling.kick start in emergency. Extremely quite.its Never been ridden you would be FRIST owner.i have the pink I have 1 extra battery for it. Has a tool kit and a small trunk under the seat.i love it I always noted one got it and realized it's not practical for me it's sitting in my living room ONLY has Less then 2 miles on it

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