Oak firewood
$600 — Lawn and Garden — 10-26-2022
Two cords.Cut and split.$600 for both $325 for one. You P/U...
$600 — Lawn and Garden — 10-26-2022
Two cords.Cut and split.$600 for both $325 for one. You P/U...
Lawn and Garden — 04-28-2022
English Walnut cheap trunk wood u-cut trees are down and brush out $50 a cord three cord $125. Or more.You pickup we do not deliver, txt mettler247365@yahoo.com for time and days were there most week ...
Items For Sale — 09-28-2021
Unseasoned Eucalyptus wood for sale Reasonably priced you load....
Lawn and Garden — 09-27-2021
Unseasoned Eucalyptus wood for sale reasonably priced you load....
Business and Franchise — 06-27-2019
2 year seasoned almond firewood for sale available for retailer selling wood in central California or bay area. Approximately 250 cords for sale. Randon cuts from 16 to 24 inches. Purchase part or a...
Free Stuff — 05-31-2019
We cut down a large fir tree in November next to our house at the west end of Donner Lake, Truckee, CA. The wood is cut in sections and is FREE for the hauling. Call for directions. 707-481-4991...
Deals — 06-16-2018
I have several Poplar Trees coming down and will give away all the wood. Works for burning in a stove or fireplace. You haul. In Kelseyville, CA....
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