Rave Cinema needs cleaners
$9.5 — Hospitality Jobs — 11-16-2018
Rave movie theaters in flint, on 1591 south graham. We need cleaners for 3rd shift. Please apply at http://recruiting.talentreef.com/cinemark...
$9.5 — Hospitality Jobs — 11-16-2018
Rave movie theaters in flint, on 1591 south graham. We need cleaners for 3rd shift. Please apply at http://recruiting.talentreef.com/cinemark...
Full Time — 04-18-2022
Come join our team! Competitive wages. Servicing high end clients. ...
$15 — Full Time — 11-12-2019
I'm looking for a job as a caregiver or a house cleaning position or both I've been a caregiver for 9 years on and off I'm very caring and understanding and not looking to get over on anyone I love t...
Job Wanted — 01-26-2018
Hello, are you looking for a great person to clean your home or maybe an elderly loved one well I am available with flexible hours to do house cleaning and laundry. Willing to use my cleaning supplies...
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