4 piece bedroom suite.
Home and Furnitures — 05-02-2019
Dark oak very nice solid wood. Bed with mattress, dresser, chest and bedside table. $600...
Home and Furnitures — 05-02-2019
Dark oak very nice solid wood. Bed with mattress, dresser, chest and bedside table. $600...
Home and Furnitures — 06-13-2018
Four piece double bedroom suit. Made by Park Furniture Co., Rushville, Ind. Glass on dresser. Good condition. Asking $650.00 - Maple dresser from 1940's in good condition. Asking $150.00. CAL...
Free Stuff — 01-08-2018
Still in hospital but I need furniture badly. I posted earlier in the month that I needed everything for my house. Which I still do. I am in the hospital after having surgery now and don't have any...
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