Service Wanted — 06-17-2023
I need someone to come clean my home. My girlfriend is disabled and can't get around to clean the home. ...
Service Wanted — 06-17-2023
I need someone to come clean my home. My girlfriend is disabled and can't get around to clean the home. ...
Service Wanted — 08-11-2022
Hello I am looking for someone to share a ride with approximately twice a month from Palmyra PA to the NW Baltimore area. I will pay for all gas for the trip. My name is Bob. My number is 443-315-720...
Service Wanted — 05-01-2022
Immediate need for bookkeeping for business woman Lancaster Pa 17602...
Service Wanted — 04-21-2022
Elderly couple, on a fixed income, is looking for someone who does residential snow removal in Dover, PA area. Send reply to lindagary4650@gmail.com...
Service Wanted — 03-23-2022
Moving helpers needed..only need 2 ppl..moving April 2...everything will be packed and ready to move by uhaul when you arrive. Nothing is extremely heavy..mostly furniture.. 10$ an hour... Call 717-65...
Service Wanted — 01-23-2022
I am a Singer of Classic Rock songs and ballads from 1969 to 1989. If you want me to sing for your band you can send me an email at siedzikowskierich@gmail.com or text me at 484-477-2722 My name is Er...
Service Wanted — 02-02-2021
Need help cleaning and shoveling out my car after the blizzard in Allentown Pa. Elderly woman can’t do it myself and will pay you for your work....
Service Wanted — 10-14-2020
Description Price Young but dedicated caring in home caretaker pittsburgh, PA > household services $5.00 USD Total amount charged: $ My name is Briana, I am a 28 yr old CNA. I am offering...
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