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Salon Project Manager

  • Publish Date: 08-08-2018 19:31:09 |
  • Contact: Erica J-Johnson |
  • Location: Dallas 75137 |
  • Place: MonezWay LLC |
  • 1106 times displayed |
Salon Project Manager
Are you a salon owner? Are there some gaps in salon, that needs fixing? Whether its a loss of finances, customer returns, marketing, or even salon turnovers, I am your girl!
Have you ever heard of Tabatha Takeover? Well we here at MonezWay, we do it my way. Erica Monea's way! Im a licensed Cosmetologist/ Barber for 18 years. I also hold my Master Educators Certification from TDLR, which allows me to inspect and correct any salon regulations that may be acquired. The strategy is easy, Ill come in and find the MOLD , THE leak, or should I say, where your loosing money. And the most important, strategize, a custom way to bring more money in. there HAS BEEN A 55% TURNOVER IN SALON BUSINESSES WITH THE PAST 3 YEARS. lET ME HELP YOU!!

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