Service > Babysitting

Live In Baby Sitting and Adult Nanny Care-Giver Service

  • Publish Date: 07-08-2018 17:09:19 |
  • Contact: Ms. Chinyere Elizabeth Umejiaku |
  • Location: Annapolis 20032 |
  • Place: Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia |
  • 583 times displayed |

Ms. Chinyere Elizabeth is
a God fearing middle-aged lady driven to service. A teacher by profession who has
demonstrated herself an unusual talent in care-giving towards children and
adult nannies both inside and outside class rooms. Through her work, dedication, and compassion,
she has brought love and peace in families where she was employed as a home
care-giver. To her credit, Ms. Chinyere
has earned work accolades and verifiable employer references to share with a prospect
employer upon request.

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