Service > Auto Services
Engine | Transmission Repair and Replacements Near ME
- Publish Date: 03-15-2018 16:22:10 |
- Contact: AutoPRO-Houston (see all posting) |
- Location: Houston 77040 |
- Place: (103 Emmott Rd |
- 418 times displayed |

Engine Repair in Houston, TX
Trust the professionals at AutoPRO-Houston
Car Care Center for complete and cost-effective engine repair in Houston,
TX. If you take care of your engine, your car is sure to last for many
years to come. We offer a variety of services for your engine to help you
stay on top of routine maintenance. Our skilled and experienced mechanics
provide excellent repairs, as well as engine replacement.
Engine problems usually come after accidents and collisions, so you may
also need auto body repairs in addition to engine repair. Our highly trained
technicians give you the peace of mind you need when dealing with the
prospect of major repairs. We guarantee fast, affordable, and effective
repairs to get you back on the road in no time.
Full Engine Replacement
you have been in a front-end collision or are experiencing engine problems,
you may need a full engine replacement. While we do not offer complete
engine rebuilds, our expert mechanics are able to replace almost every part
of your engine to get it back to proper running condition. When your
vehicle's engine belts, water pump, radiator, or other parts become damaged
or stop working, let us replace them.
Keep your car's engine healthy by requesting a check engine light repair or
timing belt replacement service when you notice something is wrong. When
the check engine light comes on in your car's dashboard, take it to our
repair shop for a free engine diagnosis. We determine what is wrong and
find the best course of action on how to fix it. This light could indicate:
Bad Wiring
• Loose Gas Cap
• Engine Vacuum Leak
• EGR Valve Problem
• Failing Oxygen Sensor
• Faulty Mass Air Flow Sensor
Excessive Gas Consumption or Discharge of Air Pollutants
• Malfunctioning Spark Plug or Ignition Coil
• Catalytic Converter Problems
Comprehensive Engine Repair & Maintenance
you see the check engine light blinking or fully lit up on your vehicle's
dashboard, there is something wrong with your engine. We offer a free
engine diagnosis to determine the problem and find the solution. As part of
our engine repair service, our ASE-certified auto technicians check the
following components of your engine:
• Fuel Pump
• Oil Filter
Spark Plugs
• Vapor Canister Filter
• Distributor Cap & Rotor
Emissions Control System
• Engine Sensors & Electronic System
• Ignition Wires, Module,
& Coil Pack
• Crankcase Ventilation Valve & Vent Filter
Contact us today if your check engine light is on. We
offer engine repairs for drivers within Houston, Katy, Cypress, Spring
Branch, Central Houston, and West Houston, Texas.
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