Service > Auto Services
Car Audio, Video, LED Installation Services - $12345
- Publish Date: 01-17-2021 02:17:32 |
- Contact: AJ Morrow |
- Location: Columbus 43232 |
- 515 times displayed |
I've been doing car audio related work for a long time now and have picked up about any/all information as well as experience along the way! I've not only done it to all my own vehicles but also MANY MANY customers vehicles as well! I provide shop quality work at a fraction of the price that a shop would charge. Also another thing that makes me different from a shop is that if you're within a reasonable distance within Columbus, OH or the surrounding counties i can arrange my schedule so that i can come to you!! If you'd like to see pictures of some past jobs feel free to contact me and ask about it, i might have some videos of prior jobs as well. I can do basic installation all the way up to full custom fabrications! Contact me anytime, THANKS!!!!
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