Auto Services —
Offering light to moderate auto repairs at affordable prices. Offering flat rate service rather than throwing the hourly book at you!
Service includes
Brake and suspension work, tube up's and oil c...
Handyman & Home Repair Services
Offering a wide array of Handyman/Remodel services in the Mid Ohio Valley.
Just give me a Call because I do it All!
10+ yrs. experi...
Home Services —
Cyber Crime and Identity Theft is now the #1 Crime worldwide. Using your name and social security number, bad actors gain access to credit cards, vehicle purchases, bank account transfers, etc., and d...
Are you looking for Capital to start a Business or help your Business? Then Look no further for we can help you with all your needs. We have Incredibly Fast Gig-Funding, Small Business CApital, Cus...
Home Services —
48 year old clean fit male. Will trade my time yard work, auto repair, light maintenance. For Females just can't or have the time. ...
My dog saide is missing if anyone in the clay or surrounding area find a female boxer reddish brown brown eyes were worried and would like for here to come home her name is Sadie last seen two run cla...
Experienced with elderly. Can set or take care etc. can clean $15 hour. 304-544-4490 Ask for Tonya ...
Been doing construction over 25 years. I do decks, painting, roofs, hardwood floors, laminate, and some plumbing. I can do small or large repairs as needed in all categories. Just moved back here from...
Home Services —
Dementia certified CPR great championship...