Experienced hair stylist, specializing in natural hairstyles. Braids, WEAVES, cuts, & color......Willing to travel, Call to book an appointment(214)545-239[...
Over 15 plus years of professional experience in the Information Technology (IT) industry and available to assist businesses with their IT needs. On-site or Remote Support. All services provided by fo...
We are a Christian based professional cleaning service that provides cleaning to Commercial properties. We offer deep cleans, and nightly cleans daily Monday through Friday, while you're away from wor...
Why walk around with a cracked screen on your phone when you can call me. I fix iphone 6",6 plus, 6s;6s plus _7",7 plus,_8"8 plus and more. Guaranteed, Quality Repair Electronic Technician ...
I can fix your creditwww.fesconnect.net/ajoe1...
I am accepting children from 6 weeks to 4 years old. I will be providing breakfast,am snack,lunch and afternoon snack and providing your child with loving care for more information visit my website at...
Come see me @ T-Mobile to take advantage of these awesome deals and we will also be offering PRE-ORDERS on the NEW IPHONES on Friday morning and we’re opening our doors @ 9 AM you can contact me at (9...
Home Services —
I have over 20 years experience fixing up old houses. I'm looking to exhange my hard work, sweat and expertise to pay for first month and deposit on house. After first month will pay reasonable rent a...
Looking to move? We can help. Call 469-658-2388 to book your moving service today....
$9 — Cleaning Services —
Busco travajadores de limpieza que tengan transportacion para trabajar en el Centro de Dallas. Se trabaja durante el dia de Lunez a Viernes y tambien el find de semana 4 horas.Por favor llamen a All...