Service - Toledo

Greatdaneautorepair offer Auto Services


Auto Services

Water pump,starters,heater core windows fuel pumps lights panels radior brakes rotors wheel bearings hubs CV axles 304 218 3145...

work needed offer Service

work needed


i just moved to salineville and im looking for anything that people need done for cash....ive done landscaping,abatement ,fast food ,janitorial...random things that people need assistance with ,im wil...

Rae's Home Health and Cleaning Co.  offer Home Services

Rae's Home Health and Cleaning Co.

$10Home Services

Clients can get cared for and get the respect and trust they deserve out of their lives while  receiveing the cheapest services that this town has to offer.  Clients who are disable or elderly, and be...

The Oxford School offer Service

The Oxford School


The Oxford Schools aim to serve as a resource to families to provide the highest quality day care and education focused on health and wellness in our Dublin preschool and Powell preschool. We’re so co...

The Oxford School offer Babysitting

The Oxford School


Providing Quality Preschool in Dublin and Powell OhioThe Oxford School has been providing high quality early childhood programs and childcare since April of 2005. Our unique approach offers our studen...

Slyvania  12,000btu air conditioner offer Service

Slyvania 12,000btu air conditioner


.This is a couple year old window unit air conditioner. It's a Slyvania 12,000 btu. It is currently in use and cools my entire apartment. I know it has several years service left in it. Contact me abo...

Blevins Home Improvement and Restoration offer Professional Services

Blevins Home Improvement and Restoration

Professional Services

Do you have a home repair or home project your want done professionally and don't want to empty your pockets to get it done? Call Blevins Home Improvement and Restoration for a free estimate at fair p...

#1 SPIC & SPAN offer Cleaning Services


$55Cleaning Services

Kitchen, Bathroom, Dusting, Sweeping/Floors, Window washing, living Room, Dining Room, Blind s Cleaning and Dusting, Wall Washing, Cabinets Cleaning, Washing and Folding Clothes 2 Loads $20, Painting,...

Catering  offer Professional Services


Professional Services

Catering for your next event. Let us make a lasting memory for you and your guests. Beautiful hall able to accommodate 250 people. Give us a call so that we can discuss your ideas. ...

Drywall finisher offer Professional Services

Drywall finisher

Professional Services

Paul Scott , drywall finisher. 40 years experience. Remodel, rehab, repairs or new construction. 234-567-6125 ...

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