Hey my name is Jenn, an I'm looking to help elderly/ new mothers clean there homes an to help around the house as much as i can. No job to big or small i can't do.... I'm affordable an a great worker...
Good Afternoon to all,Summer is finally here and what better way to start of your 2018 summer then with your house looking great! J & C concrete has got you covered! They do sidewalks, driveways, repa...
For all your cleaning needs Efficient Cleaning Services is here to serve you: Deep cleaning, Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Home,Office, Apartment Cleaning, Post Construction Cleaning, Ariel Rug Clea...
Don't let moving stress your day. Let us take that worry off your hands. If you have the truck well do the rest. Stop calculating hours by men by overtime. We charge a flat ride. Additional payment on...
Auto Services —
I have a degree in specialized automotive technician. I perform great work for a great price. Give me a ring or text....
Home Services —
Interior, exterior and commerical painting, drywall, finished carpentry, mold inspections and cleaning, flooring, home inspections, and more ...
$900 — Auto Services —
We are here for you. No more headache of time waste. Fast paced dispatching. We work as our own truck. Your priorities are our. No fake promises. You don't want to sit idle contact us. We work as a r...
IN need of a fence to protect your property ..for a free estimate call Jim at 9375548108..Hire a Veteran🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸...
I have an opening for childcare in my home, my hours are from 7am until 5:30pm. I'm located in Dublin off of Sawmill Rd. I have over 15 years experience as an in home provider I treat all my child...
Hey, if you're a local real estate wholesaler and have discounted properties available in the Cleveland Heights, Shaker Heights, Euclid and South Euclid communities, we would love to connect with you....