Service - Charlotte

Auto maintenance and mobile detailing offer Auto Services

Auto maintenance and mobile detailing

Auto Services

Washing waxing detailing inside and out and mechanical fur repair and servicing can come to you to do the job you can reach me at 336 960 9416 thank you my name is Dylan elrod my email address is dyla...

Auto maintenance and mobile detailing offer Auto Services

Auto maintenance and mobile detailing

Auto Services

Washing waxing detailing inside and out and mechanical fur repair and servicing can come to you to do the job ...

Run errands offer Home Services

Run errands

$20Home Services

Will run errands. Shopping. Avail every other weekend. Reliable. Dependable in shallotte nc...

Amazing Grace Homecare  offer Home Services

Amazing Grace Homecare

Home Services

We are a new company that provides private home care for seniors and children. We provide companion services,help with getting to appointments, medication reminders, help with everyday living, dressin...

Giving Piano Lessons for beginners. I have 7 openings. offer Professional Services

Giving Piano Lessons for beginners. I have 7 openings.

Professional Services

I Teach Basic piano lessons. I have several openings. It's 30 mins a week. And you buy the books you need. And it's $20 a lesson. ...

CNA For 33 years offer Home Services

CNA For 33 years

Home Services

I have 33 years experience as CNA/Private Duty. I have worked in Hospice and Home Health. I have worked with many clients where dementia and Alzheimer's. I love doing private duty in home care because...

In home caregiver  offer Service Wanted

In home caregiver

Service Wanted

Wanted someone to help four hours per day, two or three days a week. Pay 15 to 20 per hour...

Tree removal offer Professional Services

Tree removal

Professional Services

I trim,top, and remove trees from your property ...

Painter offer Professional Services


Professional Services

Am a professional painter 34 years experience n need of job i live n tarboro but be willing to work n greenville r the Coast i can be reached by calling my sister at 268 5786 ask for mike if not there...

Noble Care NC, LLC offer Home Services

Noble Care NC, LLC

Home Services

None medical home health care services. We provide caregivers for your loved ones who want to stay home with their family. These services will be affordable. We can help you or your loved ones live a...

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