Hey there, i have six years of experience with baby sitying and nanny jobs. My job responsibilities included preparing breakfast and packing lunch for kids, getting them ready for school, light housek...
IF YOU ARE UNINSURED AND NEED AN EKG -- SAVE BIG!As a 23 professional providing electrocardiograms primarily for healthcare facilities, and realizing the significant financial burden for uninsured pat...
Binary trading still pays despite the whole scams over here, I found one of Mr Ethan Mcgoy^s post here in binary options trading group i thought it was as usual but after contacting him I found out th...
American Heart Association Certified CPR Courses. Visit: www.howtocprny.com for more info and to register ...
Record Your Music with Multi-Instrumentalist/Producer/EngineerI can do all your tracks, engineer mix and master. Special spring prices, won't last long. Record your new record/demo, we can make it as ...
Broadway Vacuum and Appliance Repair Corp.36-16 BroadwayAstoria, NY 11106Vacuum Sales and RepairsA/C Sales/Installations/RepairsSewing Machine Sales and RepairsTV RepairsMicrowave RepairsLamp RepairsK...
Triton Marine Services ~ specializing in all inboard ~ io's ~ outboards. We come to you.wwwtritonmarineservices.com call 631-599-8814...
If you need your physical documents scanned into electronic files, look no further. I charge by the project. Just email me the number of pages that need to be scanned. How you would like the files to ...
Web Services —
If you need help cleaning out your email. Look no further. I can clean and organize your email account(s) to help stream line your life. Just let me know how many accounts, estimated messages, what yo...
NEW YORK CITY 24 HOUR HANDYMAN SERVICE646-241-9704https://www.facebook.com/twentyfourhournychandymanhttps://plus.google.com/+DereckGeorgenynyWE INSTALL,REPAIR AND CLEAN AIR CONDITIONERS SAME DAY SERVI...