Cash For Junk Cars
Auto Services — 04-04-2019
We pay cash for junk cars. Earn up to $400 for your junk car. Cars, Suv, Rv, Boats, etc. Call today for a free quote. Wissam's Towing 586.330.1408...
Auto Services — 04-04-2019
We pay cash for junk cars. Earn up to $400 for your junk car. Cars, Suv, Rv, Boats, etc. Call today for a free quote. Wissam's Towing 586.330.1408...
$50 — Cleaning Services — 03-17-2019
I have 30 yrs of cleaning experience from working at restaurants and hotels for the past 30 yrs. I also have medical training . i have a CNA license and no how to do CPR and other medial problems. My ...
Babysitting — 03-09-2019
Kidventure ChiIdcare Center is now enrolling. Looking for affordable childcare? call us! 1866 kvkidz1...
Web Services — 02-28-2019
Website design services for businesses and/or personal use. I also provide graphic design, and marketing services for businesses. Call today for a free quote and I'll be happy to assist you!...
Service — 02-12-2019
Need plowed out, give us a call. Rates negotiable, depending on size of job. Responsible and Reliable. Contact Chris @ (616)284-9521...
Cleaning Services — 02-12-2019
Home cleaning Entire house cleaned starting at 50$ Laundry cat box floors bathrooms dog doo pick up Carpet washed EVERYTHING!!!!!...
Home Services — 02-12-2019
Hi I specialized in roofing if you have a leak or need new roof done or new construction do residential and Commercial as well as drywall ...
$10 — Babysitting — 02-10-2019
Hi... I'm a college-educated.. Dependable child care giver... I'm available evenings and weekends ...I'm always available overnights...I have a park and climbing structure in my front yard ...I like d...
Professional Services — 02-10-2019
Residential concrete construction, driveways,walkways,steps,steps,porches,patios,walls ,footing ,retaining walls, excavating,, owner operated,.. we also offer asphalt driveway sealcoating,patching,st...
Professional Services — 02-07-2019
I offer services in the content of Debris removal,Junk Hauling, Residential Demo,and Flyer- Distribution... My price are reasonable and varies depending on the job and circumstance.... My model is to ...
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