Professional Services — 06-20-2018
landscape commercial and residential property...
Auto Services — 06-15-2018
Are You An Out Of Work MECHANIC??Publish Date: 06-15-2018 10:56:58 | Contact: Djae (see all posting) | Location: Massachusetts 02081 |Place: Walpole | 1 times displayed |I have a 2005 Hyundai Accent t...
Professional Services — 06-08-2018
I am a responsible adult female who love animals and is looking to make a little extra money this Summer. I know when I go away I look for an affordable , safe and loving caregiver for my Dog. I can b...
Home Services — 05-24-2018
If your looking to update or do some home remodeling and repairs, give us a call.781-336-6925...
Service — 05-15-2018
Looking for a computer savvy person to teach basic coding (Python) to a special-needs high school student during the summer. Patience and a calm demeanor are a must. Rates and hours are negotiable an...
Service — 05-07-2018
Trying to raise money for a little boy named Clifford he was badly burned 50% of his body funds will go for bills, and travel expenses to and from Vermont for a ride call 18025589920 thanks mom and da...
Service — 05-05-2018
Trying to raise money for a boy named Clifford he was badly 50 % of his body founds will help pay bill's and for travel expense. Please. Help. Thanks. Mom and dad...
Professional Services — 04-26-2018
PROFESSIONAL HANDYMAN. Painting with experience, high quality!!! Ready to get start on your project big or Small we do it all. Just text or call me(6179225883) for free estimate We pr...
$100 — Cleaning Services — 03-29-2018
Dias cleaning a company would be and that respects the days, schedules of the clients and with much dedication in our services...
Home Services — 03-01-2018
My name is Jolita Perez and I own a home care agency with a 12 years of personal experience.We are a team of highly qualified, skilled, compassionate CNAs, HHAs, Companions. I visit clients personally...
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