Service - Hialeah

Discount Brake Jobs & Auto Repair (Brake Pads $40 Labor) offer Auto Services

Discount Brake Jobs & Auto Repair (Brake Pads $40 Labor)

Auto Services

Discount Brake Jobs & General Automotive Repairs. Ok to bring your own parts. 30 years experience. References available. All work guaranteed. Call or text anytime for a quote or to schedule an a...

Cleaning With Detail offer Cleaning Services

Cleaning With Detail

Cleaning Services

Cleaning With Detail is a one person cleaning service. With over 30yrs of cleaning experience. I'm honest, reliable and have references....



Service Wanted

Hello,  We offer quality blown in cellouse insulation at wholesale pricing. Cellouse insulation is environment friendly, which consist mostly of recycled paper! Our insulation also contains borate ...

Experienced Elder Caregiver offer Home Services

Experienced Elder Caregiver

Home Services

I am an experienced elder caregiver with a medical background. My education is in nursing, and I was a certified Paramedic in NJ. I am a former executive in the healthcare education and communications...

Wood finisher offer Professional Services

Wood finisher

$40Professional Services

I can finish wood regardless of the condition. I take sad wood and make it look happy. Last 4 years, I've worked here in Florida, so I know the beating it will take. I have references. ...

Pool Deck Painting offer Home Services

Pool Deck Painting

Home Services

Over 30 years exp. In the field...

Private and personal bodyguard offer Professional Services

Private and personal bodyguard

Professional Services

I have worked all over the US as a private bodyguard I have worked for big rappers in a few celebrities seen on TV I come with all recommendations and all credentials...

Cleaning Services offer Cleaning Services

Cleaning Services

$100Cleaning Services

Needing your house cleaned? I am very much qualified for the job. Dust bunnies beware!! I'm asking $100 for a whole house cleaning. Includes living area, dining area, bathrooms, laundry room, kitchen(...

Pb of central Florida Demolition and dumpsters  offer Professional Services

Pb of central Florida Demolition and dumpsters

Professional Services

Demolition concrete crushing concrete dump...

We need donations of sheet rock  offer Service Wanted

We need donations of sheet rock

Service Wanted

We are in need of donations of Sheet rock for a very good cause info given at contact we really need it a serious building project really asking big hearted people to help ...

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