Service - Scottsdale

C+C. We pick up junk cars for free  offer Auto Services

C+C. We pick up junk cars for free

Auto Services

Call 480-694-8544...

Providing On-line Marketing offer Web Services

Providing On-line Marketing

Web Services

Want help with Web Design, SEO, PPC, and/or Social Media Marketing visit:

Simple landscape/lawn care offer Home Services

Simple landscape/lawn care

$15Home Services

Simple lawn landscape service for Estrella Mountain/Goodyear. Trim back a tree, give some shape back to overgrown bushes. Starting at $15. Ideal for bulk pick up...

Housecleaning and Commercial cleanings offer Cleaning Services

Housecleaning and Commercial cleanings

Cleaning Services

Im a very detailed cleaner.I have 22 yrs experience in cleaning. We provide a great service of housecleaning we work top to bottom. Evey room is included in the cleaning. The oven and fridges are an e...

Horse boarding available  offer Professional Services

Horse boarding available

Professional Services

We offer grass pasture and enclosed stalls. Pasturing will be shared. Storage is available as well as easy access to the barn and pasture. This is self care. $200.0 per month. ...

Transport from washington school and afterschool care offer Babysitting

Transport from washington school and afterschool care


Transportation and afterschool care for your angels in either WASHINGTON ELEMENTARY at 27th ave and Northern .. Or from SYNERGY CHARTER SCHOOL. At 27 ave and bethany home road.!! Fees negotiable.. Als...

Hair Braiding offer Professional Services

Hair Braiding

Professional Services

I have a special going for single braids!! ...

Photo Sessions  offer Professional Services

Photo Sessions

Professional Services

Photo sessions starting at $50! I am a new photographer and I am trying to get my work out there. I offer sessions for Family, children/newborn, pets, engagement, headshots, events. View our Face...

drywall repairs $40 offer Home Services

drywall repairs $40

Home Services

drywall repairman small repairs, holes, water damage, cracks, and can match all textures. I do not do remodels just repairs. over 30 yrs. exp. repairs start at $40 1yr.warr. on all work and materials....



Moving Services

Don't use just anyone!DEFT MOVERS LLC is your professional one stop moving company!We pack, unpack, load & unload your trucks or ours, disassemble & reassemble furniture.We also provide long haul or d...

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