office assistant
Part Time — 11-15-2018
looking for a personal assistant part time to help in small management office. must have computer skills, be organized and nice with the public.Job includes filing , computer , setting up appointments...
Part Time — 11-15-2018
looking for a personal assistant part time to help in small management office. must have computer skills, be organized and nice with the public.Job includes filing , computer , setting up appointments...
Hospitality Jobs — 11-10-2018
Paul’s Pantry, a breakfast restaurant, in Mission Viejo seeks an expereince BREAKFAST COOK for this busy fast paced restaurant. Work 5 days a week, 6 hours a day. Shift is 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ap...
Job Wanted — 10-29-2018
Patient, Loving, Compassionate, Emphathetic, Reliable, and Honest Woman looking for full-time work as a Caregiver. Available to run errands and doctor appointments, caregiver, companionship and light...
$12 — Hospitality Jobs — 10-20-2018
We are looking for a qualified person who has a great attitude and has great work ethics. Please contact us for more information....
Hospitality Jobs — 10-09-2018
need immediately-waiters/waitressesexperience helpful, but will trainapply in person at The Maya, 2490 N Main St, Morro Bay...
Driving Jobs — 10-04-2018
Will deliver your car, truck moving van and car trailer anywhere in the U.S. Reasonable rates. Available 24/7. Give me a call. 50yesrs experience....
Medical Jobs — 09-30-2018
RDA: We have a beautiful modern office, a wonderful patient population, a enthusiastic team and a sincere periodontist dedicated to quality care. 3 to 4 days possibly leading to full time. Previous de...
General Labor — 09-30-2018
Landscaper must have a valid driver's license willing to train right person 510 200 2370 jeff. Asap ...
Driving Jobs — 09-27-2018
Will drive your car,truck or RV anywhere in the United States.excellent driving record. Will also drive your rental truck,with car trailer. Reasonable rates. Let me know what you need....
Part Time — 09-22-2018
Preschool Teacher with 12 units or more in core classes. A part time position from 1:30 p.m. - 5:30. p.m. or 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. Must be updated on immunization and willing to get CPR certified. SLCCP is...
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