$400 — Items For Sale —
3 beautiful Siberian kittens. They are 26wks old. Two females and male. They have had first exams and are TICA registered. They are hypoallergenic, and are great with people with allergies! Call...
$2000 — Appliances —
20 quart hobart stand mixer with stand, bowl and attachment. purchase price new $6000. used only 5 years. $2000 obo...
$10 — Items For Sale —
Grandma's Love's, next owner. !2-20$ make an offer, more to come...
$795 — Musical Instrument —
$795 plus shipping. Less than 4 hours of use by original owner. Mint condition. ...
Ungraded Micheal Jordan cards all in good to fair condition 5
#1. M.j off the court usa sky box #41
#2.M.j NBA shooting usa skybox #44
#3 1988 NBA defense upper deck #k3 silver Ed
1993 m...
$225 — Items For Sale —
Dry pine and oak mixed delivery in Yakima area....
Pine and oak mixed for sale....
Items Wanted —
Several group homes that support adults with Developmental Disabilities need items in most household categories, even electronics and vehicles for those who require services further or have the capaci...
Don’t strain your back-Supports your back while you do sit ups.
Must sell by 11/10 because we’re moving....
4 beautiful Siberian kittens. 2 males and 2 females. They are 25 wks old. The kittens are TICA registered. Very family friendly and are hypoallergenic. All kittens have had their first exam. C...