$10 — Items For Sale —
6 to 8 week old guinea pigs for sale. Healthy and will sell with a 2 week guarantee. American short haired and abbysyians. Inquite about skinnys. Call or text Josh at 814-357-5211...
$120 — Tickets —
Solid Wood (Pine) dining room table with 6 chairs, two extra leaves (12” each). and hutch
Table is 60” x 40” It is 7’ long with extra leaves
Must go this week!!!...
1989-2013 Hess trucks original boxes$1500....
$18500 — Tools —
Cat forklift 13000 lb lift 3 stage mast propane....
$500 — Home and Furnitures —
Please see photo for complete and extensive listing. Examples: over 17 dinner plates, 10 bowls, 20 saucers and coffee cups, 5 serving bowls or platters, water pitcher, creamer & sugar, candlesticks, C...
Lin Sondex turn table, Magnaplanar Loudspeakers, Conrad Johnson amp lp66s, Conrad Johnson classic study amp, Lin Linto, other speakers, collection of about 660 vinyl classical music recordings, mint c...
Lightly used and in very good condition are 3 Captain's Chair Bar Stools. Fortunately they can not talk because if stools could talk... The pictures tell the rest. Please do not ask to split them, pri...
Brand New,Still In Box never opened!ZLine Belaine Glass L-Shaped Desk60W X 60W X 37HFirst $100 Cash Takes it!!!...
My name is Fatimah and I own my own jewelry business and all my jewelry is NICKEL and LEAD FREE and it is $5.00-$25.00 visit my website at