antique china cabinet
Home and Furnitures — 01-09-2018
looks to be hand carved mahogany from 1800's has glass doors in top piece with skeleton key locks on doors....
Home and Furnitures — 01-09-2018
looks to be hand carved mahogany from 1800's has glass doors in top piece with skeleton key locks on doors....
$100 — Lawn and Garden — 01-09-2018
Need a new home one is 2 years and one is 3 years 100 each...
$3500 — Lawn and Garden — 01-08-2018
Sentar 36" cut mower, 1500 hours, rapid height adjustment...
$3000 — Home and Furnitures — 01-03-2018
for the professionals and / or investors who appreciate a fine piece of work that gains value; this over 7" Beauty is awaiting a new home that will offer T L C. and be the center of attention....
Books — 01-03-2018
Newer paper backs and some hardcovers by Patterson, Cussler, Baldaci, Conelly, etc. $15. per 20 books. Phone 863 471-2948....
Home and Furnitures — 01-03-2018
12 place setting of genuine Thai brassware. Total pieces, 144 in a wood chest.consist of various size knives, spoons, forks and misc. pieces. $99. obo. Phone 863 471-2948....
Books — 01-03-2018
1981 thru 1993 hardcover Southern Living Annual Recipe books. All in mint condition. $85. obo. 863 471-2948...
Books — 01-02-2018
Southern living hard cover annual recipe books for years 1981 thru 1993. All in mint condition. $80. OBO....
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