Items For Sale - Hollywood

Pull Golf Cart offer Sporting Goods

Pull Golf Cart

$20Sporting Goods

3 wheel balloon tires easy pulling...

living room set offer Home and Furnitures

living room set

$500Home and Furnitures

Flexsteel recliner couch, flexsteel reclining chair and flexsteel barrell chair. ...

Electric Grill offer Home and Furnitures

Electric Grill

Home and Furnitures

Weber Electric Grill - works exceptionally well....

Kitchen Table and Chairs offer Home and Furnitures

Kitchen Table and Chairs

Home and Furnitures

High walnut kitchen table, excellent condition/with two tall chairs....

Electric Fireplace offer Home and Furnitures

Electric Fireplace

Home and Furnitures

Beautiful piece of furniture - walnut...

3year old Frigidaire dryer offer Appliances

3year old Frigidaire dryer


Like new condition used infrequently by snowbirds. Wrinkle release system, ultra capacity in space saving design....

elec laewn mower offer Lawn and Garden

elec laewn mower

Lawn and Garden

Troy Bilt lawn mower-used 2 tims. Excellent condition. $150.00 phone 863-818-9228...

Bayfiled 36 Cutter for Sale offer Items For Sale

Bayfiled 36 Cutter for Sale

Items For Sale

One Owner, Like new, with upgrades. Immaculate condition, includes generator, 5 sails, s/s anchors, dingy with motor, complete boat dishes, pans etc, just sail away. On the hard in Titusville, Flori...

175 Cookbooks offer Books

175 Cookbooks


Nice cookbooks, no junk. Take all for $99.00...

sonim phone/nextel type radio offer Cell Phones

sonim phone/nextel type radio

Cell Phones

sonim cell phone/radio combination,,,sells for 100 new selling for 50.00...

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