Davis/Wells 12 “ Table saw
Tools — 02-07-2018
2 Davis and Wells table saws with fences $600 each...
Tools — 02-07-2018
3- 4’X8’ benches @$100each 1 5’x8’ bench @150.00 I 2’x8’ steel bench @ $100...
$400 — Appliances — 02-07-2018
A brand new in original shipping box 24 " wide wall oven from IKEA ,NUTID FRD AIR OV 24" SS NA Art. Nr 801.423.45...
$5000 — Business and Franchise — 02-07-2018
LIKE NEW DELI-BAKERY refrig case. excellent cond. new restaurant wants to redesign. wants to sell....
Lawn and Garden — 02-06-2018
new 30' length of 6' high chainlink fencing. $25.00...
Garage and Moving Sale — 02-05-2018
Baby stuff 0-3, clothes, toys, accessories and home goods. Sunday 2/11 from 8:30 am on....
Jewelries — 02-03-2018
solid gold plated engraved bracelets...$395 hand carved white jade necklace...$595...
Jewelries — 02-03-2018
silver turquois & coral necklace & ear rings...$295 Magnetic Health Bracelelets...$195...
Jewelries — 02-03-2018
Navaho Indian bead necklace and ear rings, $295solid silver necklace, valued at $700, sell &$395...
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