Computers and Electronics — 04-19-2018
Desk is oak. Size is 24 1/2" Wide x 48" Long x 30" tall. Price is: $100 CASH ONLY. Please call:EVENINGS: 408-257-5328. We are in Cupertino area....
Computers and Electronics — 04-19-2018
Desk is oak. Size is 24 1/2" Wide x 48" Long x 30" tall. Price is: $100 CASH ONLY. Please call:EVENINGS: 408-257-5328. We are in Cupertino area....
Books — 04-18-2018
Here is a book that does what you don't expect a book to do.It tells you HOW. It tells you the basis of things, and the most basic of things is life itself. This then is a book about life.BUY AND READ...
Computers and Electronics — 04-17-2018
Asking $100. or best offer. This computer desk is in great condition! Dimensions are:24 1/2" wide x 48" long x 30" tall. Call evenings to see it!...
$200 — Home and Furnitures — 04-07-2018
Circa 1920’s white wicker chair with linen upholstery and mahogany gate leg table. $100 each - take one or both...
$400 — Home and Furnitures — 04-07-2018
Antique wicker couches $200 each. Circa 1920’s in excellent condition, always maintained indoors, painted white with linen upholstery on cushions. Take one or both....
Books — 04-06-2018
Do you feel less alert and aware than you used to? Tired and drained of energy for no apparent reason? Wooden or even lifeless? New York Times Best Seller "Clear Body Clear Mind" contains the solution...
Home and Furnitures — 03-24-2018
Selling this mattress and frame.. LIKE new: Model 007491Mattress was over $2000.!Adjustable Electric base / movable as well as vibrate and heat base was $2300.00Antique pristine Queen ANNE POSTER F...
$150 — Business and Franchise — 03-18-2018
Speed setup and takedown of banquets, meetings and seminars. Easy to maneuver in tight spaces. Rugged powder-coated steel. 4" casters: 4 swivel. MODEL NO. H-2789 DESCRIPTION Two Tier LENGTH X WI...
$150 — Business and Franchise — 03-18-2018
Speed setup and takedown of banquets, meetings and seminars. Easy to maneuver in tight spaces. Rugged powder-coated steel. 4" casters: 4 swivel. MODEL NO. H-2789 DESCRIPTION Two Tier LENGTH X WI...
Home and Furnitures — 03-13-2018
I have a power wheel chair and a power adjustable hospital bed (no mattress) that belonged to my brother. This equipment is only 2 yrs old. Perfect for anyone in need of this kind of equipment (my bro...
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