Garage and Moving Sale — 05-05-2022
Patio furniture, rug, clothing, books, holiday, printer, monitor,fax, kitchen, decor, gardening...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-05-2022
Patio furniture, rug, clothing, books, holiday, printer, monitor,fax, kitchen, decor, gardening...
Garage and Moving Sale — 10-24-2018
Lots of great things for sale, house just too small! I have a Reclining Leather Sofa, China Hutch, TV Stand, Bean bags, 8 place setting of Rothschild China, Wine Glasses, Collector spoons, handbags, ...
$1 — Garage and Moving Sale — 09-02-2023
Household items, clothes women men and kids... shoes 4 women men n kids... purses... bags... baskets... paintings... pictures.. vacuums..crafting stuff... jewelry... boxes giving away 2 free lawn care...
Garage and Moving Sale — 06-06-2022
Missions for Brazil Team Multi-family garage sale, electric drums, speakers, Mac monitor, PC's, water sports, camping gear, Kelty tent, BBQ items, meat board, furniture, new mattresses, luggage, kitch...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-10-2019
Saturday July 13, 2019 8:00 am 1210 Ivybridge Dr., Pflugerville 78660 A sampling of items: - dining room table with four chairs - misc. tools - luggage - purses - CD's and DVD's - music stands...
Garage and Moving Sale — 02-08-2019
LOTS of tools, antiques, old hard wood, hardware, power tools, glassware, books, old clocks, wooden boxes and bunch of other stuff! Saturday 2/9/2019 @8am...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-11-2018
Sat. 8/18 9 AM - Estate & Downsizing! Queen bedroom set, leather couch, recliner (chair 1/2), coffee table, matching end table, chair 1/2, media cabinet, many household items + tools. All in excelle...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-14-2018
Sony movie camera, Dell Desktop w/monitor,, twin mattress, women & teen girls clothing, accessories, jewelry briefcases. Bedding, household, kitchen &, decorator items, Stemware & Much more. Sat 5/...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-12-2024
House hold items, rims , furniture, clothes. Sale starts this Saturday 13th thru Sunday 14th also it will be held next weekend on Friday thru Sunday 19th thru 21st...
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