macow parrot
Community — 05-17-2022
parrot Rocky, selling due to not having the time to give him the attention he needs which is a shame. We are just too busy for him and its not fair for him to be at home alone all day. He is a loving ...
Community — 05-17-2022
parrot Rocky, selling due to not having the time to give him the attention he needs which is a shame. We are just too busy for him and its not fair for him to be at home alone all day. He is a loving ...
Events — 10-13-2019
Montreal multihealing Session by Merlin to eliminate stress fatigue depression anxiety injury illness diseaseSolutions for Stress, Fatigue,Anxiety, Depression, Injury ...So Would you like to ... ?rela...
Events — 10-13-2019
dark room darkness mini retreat darkroom ATMAH 6 hoursA pre-requisite session of 40min and a 3hrImmerse yourself in a Complete Pitch Dark room (ATMAH). Expect Nothing. Do Nothing. Just be in the mome...
Events — 06-10-2019
Ballantyne Ave. South , several families having a garage sale, many different items. Address:- Ballantyne avenue south, above Avon, below Broughton. Montreal West, H4X DATE June 15, 9-3 ...
Events — 05-16-2019
Dollard des Ormeaux is having a hugh 60 family community garage sale on Saturday, May 18th between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., Rain or Shine. The location is off Lake Rd. between Hyman & de Salaberry. Great i...
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