Local Art Exhibit
Events — 10-02-2021
Local Art Exhibit Friday October 8 4 -8 pm The Back Alley Gallery 341 Herkimir Hamilton...
Events — 10-02-2021
Local Art Exhibit Friday October 8 4 -8 pm The Back Alley Gallery 341 Herkimir Hamilton...
Classes — 09-30-2021
Are you a new fresh graduate from the business or IT streams?? Do you know the Software Business Analyst Job Market is expected to be robust for the next 5 - 10 years factoring in the retirements due...
Classes — 09-01-2021
DevOps is a development method that integrates business operations with development teams, creating a cohesive workflow of communication between these important parties in an organization. T...
Classes — 08-24-2021
The Front-End Development Training in GTA is provided on instructor-led classroom mode which provides an instant support to the candidates in order to resolve their queries in the best way possible. ...
$200 — Community — 11-29-2020
brand new ps4 pro with 6 games and 2 controls ...
Events — 10-20-2019
Every Sunday local ebike Riders meet at 4:00pm at Tim Hortons ( 80 Bayfield Street, barrie) and join in on a local ride. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. For more information please check...
Classes — 10-03-2019
Math Tutors Required for Tutorial Centre in Mid Town Toronto Grades 10 - 12. University students welcome to apply....
Community — 09-09-2019
Don Heights Unitarian Congregation invites the public and the media to hear where the political parties stand on climate change and what actions they will take to deal with it from candidates in the f...
Events — 09-09-2019
Sunday, Sept. 29, 3:30 p.m. Michael Adams, noted author, founder & CEO of Environics Research Group, will field questions from the public, talk trends, social issues and politics. A special opportu...
Carpool — 07-23-2019
HELLO ALL! Do you need a ride from Montreal To GTA OR GTA to Montreal? Please let me know if you need a safe ride for the cdi college in downtown montréal or nearby colleges on weekends then you can c...
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