Garage sale
Events — 08-24-2023
Crafts, household products, furniture, lots of stuff . No junk!!!! Lots of stuff. Clothes. Friday and Sat. August 25, 26th from 9am -5pm...
Events — 08-24-2023
Crafts, household products, furniture, lots of stuff . No junk!!!! Lots of stuff. Clothes. Friday and Sat. August 25, 26th from 9am -5pm...
$35 — Events — 06-10-2023
Ready for a soothing day of rest? THERE IS STILL TIME to register! This intimate retreat will surely rejuvenate your Spirit -- and don't forget to register today because it is limited to only 12 pa...
Events — 08-27-2021
The remaining member of the Dynamics is reforming the singing group. This is no joke. I'm looking for a first tenor, a second tenor and the baritone. Must be able to be a solo lead singer also. Ladies...
Community — 10-16-2019
I will deliver to you anywhere I can, any time available and for same price or less. Even, may offer free delivery. All restaurants. Help me, help you.Let me add warmth to your season. I will get item...
Events — 10-11-2019
Just moved no room for all my furniture. Must sell. House hold goods as well as tools and children's toys. Low prices. One day only. Sunday, October 13....
Classes — 07-12-2019
Local violinist. Beginner / intermediate violin lessons for classical or other . At my place or yours. ...
Classes — 06-24-2019
Tae Kwon Do Korean Martial Arts classes for all ages ...
Events — 05-20-2019
TWO Moving Garage Sales-Thursday May 29-Saturday June 1st-9:00-5:00 116203 Eagle Way & 11624 Eagle Way-Spencer & Pleasant Valley Roads Something for everyone. Depressions glass, framed ar...
Community — 05-10-2019
CentralWesleyan church is having a rummage/bake sale on may 31/to June 1. 9am-4pm Friday/ Saturday. 119 N. Webster/ Norfolk in Jackson mi. Come to get your treasures and goodies. See ya there....
Community — 04-21-2019
Start up band contemporary Christian, try something new You used to play classic rock, rock, grunge, country, whatever you’re tired of being in the bars two or 3 to 5nights a week. Waiting for a...
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