Scrap metal, you haul, free
Appliances — 08-02-2021
Washer/dryer, bed frames, wheel rims...
Appliances — 07-30-2021
**MOVING, NEED TO SELL** Cemetery plot- Prescott Arizona Mountain View Cemetery (928) 445-1881 to view plot E56-(F plot) Single depth and three urns. First right of interment and endowed care...
$150 — Appliances — 04-02-2019
MAYTAG washer/dryer set in great condition! Price negotiable!...
Appliances — 04-02-2018
Approximately 20 yrs old. Good condition. Not often used. FREE! You pick up. On boulevard in front of 5725 E Linden St...
Appliances — 01-22-2018
Two month old Bosh washer and dryer 8500 top of line. Paid 2600.00 Nov 20th.These are under counter height about 34 inches.Sacrifice for 1500.00...
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