Job > Part Time

Anybody need a makeup artist for everyday makeup looks, bridal looks, prom looks, and other stuff that need makeup - $200

  • Publish Date: 01-31-2018 11:39:29 |
  • Contact: Toshiba Bullard |
  • Location: Dallas 75234 |
  • Place: North Dallas Texas |
  • 1474 times displayed |

Hello Dallas Texas,

I am a upcoming makeup artist going to school next month on Feb. 07th 2018 . I am writing this ad because anybody out there who need a makeup artist for anything from bridal you getting married call me or email me at : and or if you need a makeup artist for prom , everyday makeup look like if you wont to go to the local gas station and pump gas and you feel like you need to wear makeup I got you I am studying to become a makeup artist and coming to craiglist so I can build my clients so I can own a studio and Plano Texas. I charge only $200.00 dollars . Please call me at: 469-866-6609 and email me at : .

Thank You,

Toshiba Bullard- bka DJ Quick Nice and the best part of this company you can buy the products here and buy music cd's makeup products hair products like weave and wigs and bundles and buy clothes here . All for reasonable price like 10- 200 dollars within this company as a price range . Please call me at : 469.866.6609. Or email me at : . And ! for weddings and proms I do that during the end of the school year for highschool students and older adults who are getting married which are in from spring - fall March, April, June,July, August . Call me . I am here 24/7 every day of the week Monday- Sunday. Thank you .

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