Job > Education Jobs
Something Extra Preschool & Childcare
- Publish Date: 07-17-2019 07:51:42 |
- Contact: Jamie Throckmorton |
- Location: California 95843 |
- Place: 7916 Aztec Way Antelope, CA 95843 |
- 5182 times displayed |

We take providing the highest quality care for you and your child very seriously. In order to do so, we have implemented a number of programs. We ensure our staff has the latest training and that our parents are well informed. The children are assessed to make sure they are getting the individual attention and support they need to succeed. We work closely with the Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) in the Quality Rating Improvement System and with Child Action to make sure we have the latest tools and resources available so that children at Something Extra have the best start possible.
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