$$get paid for what you know how to do$$
Construction Jobs — 12-14-2021
What you doing your personal life is no concern of me.. what you know how to do in construction$$.. get paid for what you know how to do$$...
Construction Jobs — 12-14-2021
What you doing your personal life is no concern of me.. what you know how to do in construction$$.. get paid for what you know how to do$$...
Construction Jobs — 01-03-2020
Painter looking for work....I have over 25 years experience in painting and drywall...lead certified for over 25 years...I'm very good at what I do...very reasonable..you will be pleased with my work....
Construction Jobs — 01-18-2019
I am a 63 yr old who comes with some baggage. I am paying for the life I led 35 yrs ago, but what I also come with is a work ethic. I am loyal to friends and family and extremely devoted to those who ...
Construction Jobs — 08-21-2018
Mist be experienced n drive to n from work call Carolynn 5704482746...
Construction Jobs — 08-02-2018
I am an excellent painter in need of work. I can run a sprayer and im excellent with a brush! Please call 570 8411440 or text. My name is jonathan. Thank you....
Construction Jobs — 06-02-2018
68 Year old HVAC CONTRACTOR expanding installation crews. Need qaalified person to install ductless systems, central systems, hot air furnace, boilers, and plumbing repairs. Geisinger Medical pl...
Construction Jobs — 05-30-2018
Construction company looking for experienced crews for drywall, metal framing, and drywall finishers. Competitive rates. ...
Construction Jobs — 05-29-2018
Expanding installation crews for the #1 installer of Ductless Systems. Need experienced person to install single to quad zone systems. Mount air handlers, run line sets, pressure tests, vaccum down, ...
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