448 John Deere Round Baler
$8500 — Lawn and Garden — 07-21-2020
Very good condition 448 John Deere round baler...
$8500 — Lawn and Garden — 07-21-2020
Very good condition 448 John Deere round baler...
$3000 — Lawn and Garden — 07-13-2020
Like new combination tedder/hay rake, used one season, call with any questions at 503-708-2588....
$8500 — Lawn and Garden — 07-13-2020
448 John Deere round baler, works great! Call 503-708-2588 with all questions....
Lawn and Garden — 07-01-2020
Dry firewood mostly fir ,well split ready for the stove, stacking available.200.00 full cord Mel@360-202-7051....
Lawn and Garden — 06-16-2020
Tractor Supply Country Line Gas Log Splitter. Kohler Series 6.5 hp. 11.5 second cycle time.650.00 OBO. Cash only....
Lawn and Garden — 05-25-2020
Echo PAS 225 gas edger, excellent condition $90Echo PAS 80 brush cutter attachment used once $70Buy together $150 cash only253-841-8992 or 253-230-4205...
Lawn and Garden — 05-25-2020
Stihl FSE 60 Excellent condition. Lightweight, quiet, powerful motor. With 50 ft. outdoor cord. $75 cash only 253-841-8992 or 253-230-4205...
Lawn and Garden — 04-07-2020
Individual (1-2 interments) and large family bench cemetery plots (4-8 interments) for sale. Olympic view and City of Seattle and Bellevue skylines. Negotiable prices at 5-star cemetery site Sunset H...
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