Items For Sale > Home and Furnitures


  • Publish Date: 01-20-2019 09:58:05 |
  • Contact: Donna or Mark |
  • Location: Denver 80123 |
  • Place: Home |
  • 642 times displayed |
2-Antique style chests w/formica tops $50.00 each, Claw foot coffee and end table $150.oo set, 2 white vinyl chairs $25.00 each, Blue vinyl chair $15.oo, Blue velour swivel rocker and ottoman $60.00, Oak coffee and end table with glass tops $100.00, Blue leather recliner $125.00, 2 Oak cabinets 32wx18dx77"tall w/glass shelves $50.00 each, Heritage dining table w/7 chairs and one captains chair, 2 piece hutch 62wx16dx83"tall and side chest 66wx20dx38"tall $500.00. Big mans recliner with electric easy lift for easy out New 3 months paid $1200.00 now $500.00. Everything is in excellent shape. If interested it is all cash and carry need to bring your own help for loading. Most is in basement the Heritage set on main floor. 2 white vinyl chairs $40.00 for both. Old style JVC big screen TV w/ stand works great make offer.
Tags: furniture

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