$160 — Garage and Moving Sale — 09-06-2019
Set of 4 almost new tires. Tire size is in picture please text...
$160 — Garage and Moving Sale — 09-06-2019
Set of 4 almost new tires. Tire size is in picture please text...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-11-2019
Furniture, clothes, toys pictures lamps, decorating accessories ...
Garage and Moving Sale — 06-30-2019
Excellent Baby Lock Imagine Serger Service records available. Cleaned yearly even though not used. Had good intentions but never learned to use. 6 boxes of thread with 18 spools each. 480-433-757...
Garage and Moving Sale — 06-08-2019
Tools, TV, Furniture, Stereo Equipment, Microwave, Décor, Sewing Machine, Workout/Sports Equipment, Books, Movies, Men, Women, Children's Clothes, Shoes and much more. Too much to list. 8am-2pm.31301 ...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-15-2019
Garage Sale: Apartment sized refrigator, tools, electric stove, wood futon, recliners, Barbies (nrfb) and lots of other items. 3 family sale...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-12-2019
Moving into a smaller space, need to sell many nice things. Everything must go! We only have one day to get rid of it all, so come get it! Cash only please.5/18/19 Sat only 8am. 8214 Somerset Dr, Pr...
Garage and Moving Sale — 04-28-2019
Moving SaleMay 2, 3, 4(Thur-Sat)8AM to 5PM Daily1748 N riverbirch ct Andover ks 316-461-3329(Hannah)• Camera• Gardening Materials• Lawnmower• Table bench sets for deck(2 in 1)• Sweeper• Steam mop• Bic...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-05-2018
HUGE GARAGE SALEAugust 8, 9, and 10 Wednesday--Friday8:00--5:002 Upholstered Bar Stools, 5 Drawer Chest of Drawers, Wooden High Chair, Lane Coffee Table, Oak End Table, Folding Chairs, Cosco Step St...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-01-2018
We are having an incredible garage sale Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This sale could furnish an apartment or dorm room! We have couches, dressers, desks, shelves, and lamps! Including a beautifu...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-11-2018
Maney items furniture, appliances, dining, dishes, antiques, clothes, a house full of items must see to numerous count it was a farm for over 70 years , come out and see July 13th at 9am to 4pm , July...
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