Garage and Moving Sale — 05-21-2018
5 family garage sale! Tools, car parts, children/baby stuff, furniture, clothing! You name it. Friday and Saturday, May 24 and 25. 615 W Third St, Greensburg, IN 8-4 Friday. 8 - 1 Saturday....
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-21-2018
5 family garage sale! Tools, car parts, children/baby stuff, furniture, clothing! You name it. Friday and Saturday, May 24 and 25. 615 W Third St, Greensburg, IN 8-4 Friday. 8 - 1 Saturday....
$1 — Garage and Moving Sale — 05-16-2018
Moving sale with numerous household and furniture items from throughout the house. Friday May 18 8-2 and Saturday May 19 7-1....
Garage and Moving Sale — 04-25-2018
Lots of new and used items. Too many things too list!!! Low prices...make an offer... want to get rid of all!!!!!...
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