Moving boxes
$5 — Garage and Moving Sale — 08-22-2018
Various sizes of moving boxes including several wardrobe boxes, both tall and short...
$5 — Garage and Moving Sale — 08-22-2018
Various sizes of moving boxes including several wardrobe boxes, both tall and short...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-17-2018
Items for sale: furniture (recliner, futon , end table, area rug, assorted chairs, lamps); garden tools, leaf blower, rechargeable electric lawn mower; 2 adult bikes; Craftsman 5 drawer standard ...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-15-2018
Annual neighborhood garage sale (10 families). Saturday 25 August 9am-2pmStoneycreek Road x-st Market @ Hiway 1 overpass Santa Cruz (near Ocean Street)Antiques, clothing, sporting goods, tools, e...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-07-2018
Assortment of household goods, collectibles, computer desk, holiday items, walker, new adult potty chair, 3 wheel knee walker, tolet & bed aide; and a lot more.2428 WRIGHT AVE, SATURDAY - 8/11/18:...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-01-2018
Saturday August 4th 9am-3pm Oak dining table with 3 leaves & 6 chairs, Queen size Tempur-pedic bed, more furniture, Kitchen supplies and equipment, much more. 91North Napa Drive Petaluma Estates...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-18-2018
We will be having a yard sale at 1047 Miwok Dr., Lodi, CA from 8 am to 1pm on Friday morning, July 20th and Saturday morning, July 21st at the same times. Some items free and the rest low prices!...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-14-2018
Lots of good things, too much to list all. Clothes from baby size to adult. Dishes, glassware, serving dishes, electronics and horse tack, so much more ...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-10-2018
Lots of Manley items tools fishing equipment chainsaw Backpack Blower wire feed welder woodworking tools including one shop Smith 2 outboard motors one boat for sale one really big boat for free and m...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-03-2018
Friday July 6-Sunday July 9 107 Mac Innes Ct open at 8am Look for pink signs and black balloons! Cash or card accepted! All profit goes to this years books and registration fees for my classes! I...
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