Garage sale
Garage and Moving Sale — 09-07-2018
Variety of household items...
$150 — Garage and Moving Sale — 09-05-2018
I have a Subwoofer and Amp from my previous relation and car that I don't need anymore. Will like to get rid of them. Its been in my garage for 2yrs still in good condition. Please Text me if your int...
$5 — Garage and Moving Sale — 08-22-2018
Various sizes of moving boxes including several wardrobe boxes, both tall and short...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-17-2018
Items for sale: furniture (recliner, futon , end table, area rug, assorted chairs, lamps); garden tools, leaf blower, rechargeable electric lawn mower; 2 adult bikes; Craftsman 5 drawer standard ...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-15-2018
Annual neighborhood garage sale (10 families). Saturday 25 August 9am-2pmStoneycreek Road x-st Market @ Hiway 1 overpass Santa Cruz (near Ocean Street)Antiques, clothing, sporting goods, tools, e...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-07-2018
Assortment of household goods, collectibles, computer desk, holiday items, walker, new adult potty chair, 3 wheel knee walker, tolet & bed aide; and a lot more.2428 WRIGHT AVE, SATURDAY - 8/11/18:...
Garage and Moving Sale — 08-01-2018
Saturday August 4th 9am-3pm Oak dining table with 3 leaves & 6 chairs, Queen size Tempur-pedic bed, more furniture, Kitchen supplies and equipment, much more. 91North Napa Drive Petaluma Estates...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-18-2018
We will be having a yard sale at 1047 Miwok Dr., Lodi, CA from 8 am to 1pm on Friday morning, July 20th and Saturday morning, July 21st at the same times. Some items free and the rest low prices!...
Garage and Moving Sale — 07-14-2018
Lots of good things, too much to list all. Clothes from baby size to adult. Dishes, glassware, serving dishes, electronics and horse tack, so much more ...
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