National City Annual yard sale 50 homes
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-16-2019
Neighbors $$ 127 South Belmont, Kenton, Drexel 91950 Nat’l City 50-homes selling all items. May 25 and 26 7am to 4pm savings for you $...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-16-2019
Neighbors $$ 127 South Belmont, Kenton, Drexel 91950 Nat’l City 50-homes selling all items. May 25 and 26 7am to 4pm savings for you $...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-11-2019
May 17th to 19th. Furniture, books, kitchen stuff, pictures, picture frames, Knick knacks, yard art, etc. 8AM to 4PM. Early birds pay double. Dog in picture not for sale!...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-02-2019
Designer Clothes 3.00. Baby Gap, Women’s and men’s clothing, kids. Purses, Christmas, CD Sets, jewelry, antiques, collectibles. Turn right on Summerset to Right on Riverwood Lane. Go to corner at the...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-02-2019
Models and modeling supplies, fishing, fly tying, tools, lots of guy stuff! 4105 Winter Green Ct. Fri, May 3 and Sat, May 4. 8-noon. Several sales in area....
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-02-2019
Garage Sale- Tools, four and five drawer Craftsman tool storage, fishing equipment, fly tying bench and supplies. LOTS of guy stuff! Friday, May 3 and Saturday May 4. 8-Noon. 4105 Winter Green Ct.,...
Garage and Moving Sale — 04-23-2019
Good stuff furniture, tools & household items. All must go can't take. 8am - sundown Closed on Saturday 4-27-2019. Call Evelyn 530-941-4500....
Garage and Moving Sale — 04-18-2019
Wine fridge w/table $40, two outdoor rocking chairs $25/each or $40/pair, vintage sewing machine in cabinet w/chair $60, sofa and matching chair (beige) $100, and misc. small items. ...
Garage and Moving Sale — 04-17-2019
Saturday, April 20th 8am to 2pm. Everything must GO! Make a bargain. No reasonable price refused! NO JUNK! Vintage records, Collectibles, China Cabinet, Curio Cabinet, Art Work, Japanese Tonsu, Period...
Garage and Moving Sale — 04-13-2019
Having yard sale. Many items for sale. Treadmill, reptile tank, children's clothes, car seats, other baby items, kitchen items, long black leather jacket...
Garage and Moving Sale — 04-11-2019
ANNUAL LA HABRA NORTH HILLS GARAGE SALE. You name we got it. jewelry, toys, clothing, vintage clothing, tools, books, comic books, sports equipment, household items, furniture, antiques. yard tools...
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