Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale
A1 Estate Services, 68 East 400 North, Farmington
- Publish Date: 03-05-2020 21:43:54 |
- Contact: A1 Estate Services (see all posting) |
- Location: Utah 84025 |
- Place: Farmington |
- 755 times displayed |

A1 Estate Services, Farmington Sale, 68 East 400 North, Farmington Ut. Friday March 6th and Saturday 7th from 10:00 am- 4:00 pm. Tons of smalls, antique Armoire, dressers, chairs, toys, vases, figurines, candle sticks, steins, oil lamps, china, records, books, old cooler and jugs. antique bottles, great selection of women's hats, clothing, boy scout uniforms, unique drop leaf table,quilts,sewing machine , small kitchen appliances, tins,trunk, rocking chair, chevron cars,collector plates, wrought iron patio set. just too much to list bring your boxes and your loading help this is a CASH ONLY sale. (Check KSL for more PHOTOs)
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