Carpet goo condition needs no pad
Home and Furnitures — 12-13-2018
13 by 8ft...
Home and Furnitures — 10-31-2018
FREE for someone who appreciates/loves doing things by hand: drafting, design, architecture, art, etc., or wants a large workspace! Excellent condition. Extras included: lettering tools, vellum, and m...
Home and Furnitures — 07-07-2018
Two mirror closet doors, measuring 4' wide and 78-3/4" long. Track fits a 7' opening. They are in excellent shape. Free for the taking....
Home and Furnitures — 06-08-2018
selling an older metal framed electric Hospital bed with newer and barely used Tempurpedic mattress 250.00...
Home and Furnitures — 03-30-2018
Looking for free moving boxes for clothes and household items...
Home and Furnitures — 03-23-2018
GOOD CONDITION ....BUYING TWO TWINS . MUST PICK UP !! Please text me no phone calls!!...
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